The program of the contest was:
Thursday 2 November: Arrival and Check-in
8:00 - 22:00 : Teams arrive and report to the Site Co-ordinator
Friday 3 November: Contestant's Meeting
08:00 - 12:00 : Arrival and Check-in
14:00 Opening Ceremony
14:00 - 14:15 Nicolae Tapus, Contest Director
Gheorghe Zgura, Rector of POLITEHNICA University
Mircea Petrescu, Director of National Informatics Committee
Marius Guran, Presidential Councillor
Vlad Tepelea, Vice-president of Romanian ACM Chapter
14:15 - 14:30 William Poucher, International Contest Director
14:30 - 14:45 James Comer, Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honour Society
14:45 - 15:15 Linus Torvalds, designer of LINUX operating system
15:15 - 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:30 Briefing with faculty advisors, students and volunteers
Review the rules Introduction to the practice session
16:30 - 19:00 Practice Session
19:00 Snacks
Saturday 4 November: Contest
09:00 - 09:30 Check-in at contest site
09:15 - 09:30 Briefing with faculty advisors
09:30 - 14:30 CONTEST
14:30 - 16:00 Lunch
18:00 - 19:00 Award Ceremony
19:00 Banquet
Sunday 5 November:
09:00 - 12:00 The tour of Bucharest
The contest budget was raised using funds from the Romanian Society for
Informatics, ACM, Politehnica University and local contributors
Participation in the contest was free of charge and so were buffets, banquet and tour of Bucharest.
Upon registration, each participant received a contest folder containing:
contest badge, contest rules, contestant's guide for PC2, Certificate of
Participation, two sample problem sets, city map, Romania map, timetable, list of local contributors, Politehnica University brochure, Computer Science and
Engineering leaflet, ACM membership application form, and brochures about
Romania and its customs. During the stay in Bucharest, the team had an associated guide (student volunteer) to show them around.
During the award ceremony Certificates of Participation and of Recognition were
given to all participants and volunteers. Everybody seemed very excited about
receiving the certificates, especially the volunteers, showing that the ACM idea of offering certificates was very welcomed.
The registration of participants, the printing of contest badges and certificates were done using ACM-CMS, that proved to be a useful tool. It provided also an easy way of printing teams contacts for distribution.
Two press releases were issued: one before and one after the contest. Important
Romanian TV channels, as TVR1 and Antena1, attended either the award ceremony or the competition and disseminated the event. Several newspapers published announcements or presentations of the event.
The composition of the Steering Committee was:
Prof. Nicolae Tapus, Contest Director, Head of the Computer Science and
Engineering Department
Prof. William Poucher, General Contest Director
Prof. James Comer, Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honour Society
Linus Torvalds, Designer of LINUX operating system
Prof. Marius Guran, Presidential Councillor
Prof. Gheorghe Zgura, Rector of Politehnica University of Bucharest,
Ddr. Vlad Tepelea, Vice-president of the Romanian Chapter of the ACM,
Prof. Mircea Petrescu, President of National Informatics Committee
The composition of the judging staff was:
- Dr. Nikolay Ivanov, Bulgaria, Chief Judge,
- Prof. Vladimir Petrukhin, Ukraina
- Prof. Nikolay Mansurov, Russia
- Prof. Valeriu Iorga, Romania
- Prof. Cristian Giumale, Romania
- Prof. Valentin Cristea, Romania
- Prof. Victor Patriciu, Romania
- Prof. Adrian Atanasiu, Romania
We want to express our thanks to our foreign guests, Prof. William Poucher, Prof. James Comer and Chief Judge Dr. Nikolay Ivanov, for their activity and constant help during the contest.
We would like also to express our thanks to the ACM and Microsoft Corporation,
the Romanian Society for Informatics, Politehnica University and local contributors for their generous supporting of the ACM Eastern European Regional
Programming Contest. And last, but not least, we thank all the volunteers who
helped run the contest. Without all these people and organisations, it would have been hardly possible to make this event happen.
It was established that the next edition of the ACM Eastern European Regional
Programming Contest will be held in Computer Science and Engineering Dept. ,
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, ROMANIA.
Prof. Nicolae Tapus
ACM Eastern European Regional Programming Contest Director
The Results of ACM Eastern European Regional Programming Contest
November the 4-th, 1995
Bucharest, ROMANIA
1 University "St. Kliment Ohridski" of Sofia 954 6
2 University of Bucharest 733 5
3 University of Belgrade 734 5
4 St-Petersburg University 813 5
5 Politehnica University of Timisoara 1306 5
6 Moscow University 752 4
7 University of Cluj 779 4
8 Kiev University 1140 4
9 "Politehnica" University of Bucharest - I 366 3
10 University of Iasi 523 3
11 National Technical University of Athens 254 2
12 "Politehnica" University of Bucharest - II 292 2
13 Belarus State University 294 2
14 University of Craiova 476 2
15 American University of Bulgaria 519 2
16 Technical University of Moldova 530 2
17 State Technical University of Vinnytsia 562 2
18 University of Suceava 189 1
19 University of Timisoara 0 0
20 University of Ploiesti 0 0
21 Kiev Department of Moscow IPT 0 0
22 A.S.E. Bucharest 0 0
23 Technical University of Cluj 0 0
24 Technical University of Iasi 0 0
25 Technical University of Varna 0 0
26 University of Cluj - Economics Faculty 0 0